Monday, July 27, 2009
Lord of Loser

Jakarta's Bomber

Eyes of a Frog

Thursday, July 9, 2009
GazelleRockshop X TheButcher
Monday, July 6, 2009

"Have you seen it? Are you afraid?"
These questions about ghosts interest me, they revolve around my head often times. I haven’t seen ‘em but I can see how we all are so small compare to them, our local culture has treating them like some sort of king, something worthy, something sacred (for some).
We were brought up by these urban legends, myths and stories about them. It’s either we are too primitive to believe that they can haunt us (literally) or our forefathers are so good at storytelling and make up stories. The most ridiculous part is how some believe that they would come out to haunt us on Thursday night, do they even have a calendar system in their busy lives. Does everything work out like our world? Who to believe?
A couple of friends of mine at the office called the long haired character (on this piece) as a Gendoruwo, which I’ve never seen before, ever, in my entire live. For the tagline, it has grew a bit different from the earlier sketch because I wanted it to be more tight, not too thin calligraphy but simple enough to read. Some said that this piece represent my art. It has that mix between scary-funny-ish with fun color. I guess the message delivered perfectly. You can call it anything you like and I can draw anything I like, that’s a mutual relationship and it’s fun. Let’s just keep it this way because art should be fun.
As for the ghost part, I think Indonesian should be proud of the colorful ethnicity and cultural background. Indonesian ghosts are a good potential commodities and who knows, maybe one day we could export some of ‘em?
Anything could happen ‘cuz life is fun.
Greetings from the Two-Bit Thugs

God has given me this thirst for Its creation, It creates so much beauty, so many variety in each form of life and ecosystem. There is so much to learn, so many sunset and sunrise I haven’t seen and so many people I haven’t met and when I die, I will be blessed with every moment that I have.
Life is too beautiful to be thrown away by grunts, long sleep, and daydreaming.